“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success,” Joshua 1:8 (New King James Version).
This was the advice God offered His servant, Joshua, as he took over the leadership of the people of Israel after the death of Moses.
I’m sharing this advice with you because I know it will help you, just as it has helped me.
If you wish to achieve good success in your content creation journey, it is important that evaluate your passion before creating content around it.
Why You Must Evaluate Your Passion Before Creating Content On It
Discovering your passion, as I taught in my last post, “11 Easy and Proven Ways to Discover Your Passion,” is a task that must be done before you set out to create your content.
After successfully discovering your passion using my eleven proven techniques, you need to subject your discovery to some sort of evaluation.
The reason you must evaluate your passion after its discovery is to determine its acceptability and popularity among your existing or potential audience.
Let me give you an example.

If you love telling stories about your childhood and life experiences and publish them on your blog and nobody reads them, will you bother to share more of such stories?
NO, I guess!
Here’s another example.
If you have the passion for cooking and decides to set up a blog to publish articles about African dishes, would you continue with the blog if after several years nobody or very few people read your posts?
Again, the answer is likely to be NO!
So, after identifying or discovering your passion, make sure there are people who share it with you and are ready to consume your content when you create it.
Going ahead to create content on a passion that nobody would be interested in would amount to you wasting your precious time.
Whatever your passion may be, ensure that it’s one that other people are ready to share with you before you go ahead to create content around it.
Evaluating your passion to know whether there are people who share it with you is an important step in building an audience and creating content that resonates with them.
How to Evaluate Your Passion Successfully
Here are some steps to help you determine if there are other people who identify with your passion:
Research Existing Communities
Look for existing online communities, forums, social media groups, and websites related to your passion.
This can be a good indicator that there are others who share your interest.
Engage in Discussions
Join these communities and actively participate in discussions.
Ask questions, share your thoughts, and observe their enthusiasm on how they respond and engage in conversations about your passion.
Social Media Exploration
Search for relevant hashtags, keywords, and topics on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
See if there are active conversations or accounts dedicated to your passion.
Surveys and Questionnaires
Create surveys or questionnaires using tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey and share them within relevant communities or on social media.
Ask questions about people’s interests and passions to gauge their level of enthusiasm.
Analyze Keywords and Search Trends
Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify search volume for terms related to your passion.
This can help you understand the demand for content on that topic.
Content Validation
Create a few pieces of content related to your passion and share them with your target audience.
Monitor engagement, comments, and feedback to see if there’s a positive response.
Attend events, conferences, or meetups related to your passion, either in-person or online. Networking can help you connect with like-minded individuals and gauge their level of interest.
Competitor Analysis
Identify content creators who are already producing content in your niche.
Analyze their audience size, engagement rates, and the type of content that performs well.
This can give you insights into the potential audience size.
Google Trends and Analytics

Use tools like Google Trends to see if there’s consistent interest in your topic over time.
Additionally, if you already have a website or social media presence, analyze your analytics to see if there’s an audience visiting your content.
Feedback and Iteration
Don’t be afraid to seek feedback from your audience as you create content.
Listen to their suggestions and adjust your content strategy accordingly.
Remember that building an audience around a niche passion may take time, and it’s essential to be patient and persistent.
Even if the initial audience seems small, a dedicated and engaged audience can be more valuable than a large but disinterested one.
Continuously evaluate and adjust your content strategy based on the feedback and data you gather to better connect with your audience.
The Caveat About Passion-Evaluation
Inasmuch as it is important for you to evaluate your passion before creating content around it, passing the evaluation test doesn’t necessarily make a passion suitable for content creation, if there’s something illegal, unethical, or morally with it or about it.
Let’s consider an example.
If a man is passionate about sleeping with other men’s wives in secret, can he go ahead and evaluate his passion to know whether there are other men who share the same passion with him?
The answer is a CAPITAL NO!
You already know why.
Don’t you?
In case you don’t, it’s because sleeping with other people’s wives is ILLEGAL, UNETHICAL, and MORALLY WRONG, both in the sight of God and man.
Every passion must be LEGAL, ETHICAL, and MORALLY acceptable, in addition to passing evaluation test for it becomes suitable for the creation of content that is meant for the public.
A passion that is ILLEGAL, UNETHICAL, and MORALLY unacceptable to God and man is dead on arrival.

Let’s consider another example of a man who writes on the benefits of taking hard drugs.
No matter how much he loves taking hard drugs, evaluating such a dangerous passion makes no sense at all, because the consumption of hard drugs is highly condemnable by every right-minded person.
If he goes ahead and start creating content on his dirty passion, it’s just a matter of time before the law catches up with him.
Why and How to Evaluate Passion for Good Success – Conclusion
Evaluating your passion before embarking on content creation is not merely a recommended step; it’s a crucial and necessary part of ensuring the relevance, acceptability, and ethical foundation of your content.
As exemplified by the guidance given to Joshua in the Book of Joshua, success is closely tied to adherence to principles and values.
Determining the resonance of your passion within existing or potential audiences is pivotal.
Engaging in comprehensive research, actively participating in relevant communities, leveraging social media, conducting surveys, analyzing search trends, seeking feedback, and critically assessing the ethicality of your passion is all fundamental steps in this process.
However, it’s imperative to remember that not all passions are suitable for public content creation; passionate pursuits that are illegal, unethical, or morally questionable must unequivocally be discarded.
Regardless of personal fervour, any content based on such passions is indefensible and bound to lead to detrimental consequences.
In essence, the success of your content creation journey hinges not only on the evaluation of your passion’s reception but also on its alignment with legal, ethical, and moral standards.
Crafting content that resonates with an engaged audience while upholding integrity and societal norms is the cornerstone of sustained success.
Therefore, let your passion be not only a source of creativity but also a force for positive impact and ethical influence in the world.
Why and How to Evaluate Passion for Good Success. THE END
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